Using This Guide

This guide is intended for commercial producers and includes currently recommended beneficial management practices for the production of field vegetable crops in British Columbia. Revisions are made as new information, products and practises become available. Only products that are registered for use in Canada are recommended.


Follow the integrated pest management (IPM) principles within this guide to avoid unnecessary pesticide applications. If recommendations in this guide are followed, harvested crops will comply with legally allowable maximum pesticide residue limits in Canada. Increasing recommended rates or decreasing the days before harvest can result in pesticide residues being above legal limits. Crops found with high residues or residues of unregistered pesticides can be seized and destroyed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Pesticide registrations and maximum residue tolerances vary in countries to which fresh or processed vegetables are exported. If the crop is to be exported, use products that have acceptable residue tolerances in the country of destination. Be sure to consult with your packer or buyer.


For the convenience of growers, brand or trade names are used throughout this publication. This does not constitute an endorsement of the product nor a suggestion that like products are not effective. Space limitations restrict the amount of detail contained in this publication. Be sure to read the label on the pesticide container for complete instructions, warnings and legal restrictions regarding the use of the pesticide. The BC Ministry of Agriculture (BCAGRI), and the Lower Mainland Horticulture Improvement Association (LMHIA) do not assume liability for crop loss, animal loss, health, safety or environmental hazard caused by the use of products or practices listed within this guide.